I woke up this morning with my mind on an omelet for my grandson and I, but I had no eggs; I decided on a bowl of oatmeal, but I used it all up in my daily green smoothies. I said to Khari, "what is this southern girl going to do?"
I heard my resourceful mother, Clara Fleshman, late beloved grandmother, Laeuna White and aunties, Lina Mae Koonce, Mary White-Thompson and Rev Rena White say, "use what you got!"
With my southern roots, I began to pull out the Tri-Color Quinoa, Hemp Milk, Coconut Oil, Raisins, Cinnamon, home-made Vanilla Extract, Sea Salt and honey to whip up a delicious nutritious breakfast.
Thank you family!
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
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