Small business owners need a lot of support to succeed, whether it's financial, operational or emotional. One of the most important sources of that support for many entrepreneurs is their network of friends and family members.
I believe in acknowledging people for their support and want to take this time out to personally thank the family and friends who assisted me in making it through to the Circle of Sisters Expo, Saturday, September 29, 2018 at the Jacob Javits Center, Booth #259, New York! It was an experience I will never forget!
"I admire your get up and go and your ambition to make it happen" ~ Mom, SI
"Sis, I believe in you and if there is a thing to be done, you are the one to do it!"~Bro Ron F, PA
"I am proud of you; I believe in you and want to be a part of your success to encourage another black sister in her business." ~ Aunt Rev Rena W, NY
"We have to believe in people who believe in themselves, gamble on those who gamble on themselves to win. Unsure, yet optimistic of outcome. Yet learning thru good and bad experience. For these things I......SUPPORT!" ~Cuzzo Ray W, NY
"As a fellow entrepreneur, you have been very helpful to me. I'm learning a lot from you and I'm thankful that God put someone like you in my life. May God continue to Bless you always"~Marilyn T, Eboni Fandangles, Yonkers
"You have always been a longtime friend and supported my art over 20 years."~Tina B, Diva Creations, SI
"I support you because I love you and I want you to see your dreams become a reality. If you are successful then you can help me and others even more. You always give back. It's wonderful to have helpful and inspirational friends. I believe in the golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated"~Radmila S, SI
If you didn't get an opportunity to join us at COS and would like to get your Roc-A-Natural shop on, please visit,
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"