Welcome V Dazzle for becoming a Vendor at the Black Artisans Marketplace at the Black History Month: Celebrating Unsung Community Service Leaders event on Thursday, February 27, 2020!
This free community and cultural event is hosted by and in collaboration with the African-American Community and JCC Beacon Program at I.S. 49 at Berta A. Dreyfus I.S. 49, 101 Warren St, Staten Island, from 6:30pm-9:30pm!
Valerie Dudley is the Founder and Owner of
V Dazzle. She's a longtime lover of crafts including crochet, sewing, painting and most recently "bedazzling." Valerie especially loves creating by hand items that represent beautiful black women. For example, check out these beautiful Afrocentric water bottles and coffee mugs.
Why not get your hydration on in style with V Dazzle? Learn more by visiting her on Instagram: vdazzle55 or email: vdazzle55@gmail.com
Come get your shop on at the Black Artisans Marketplace and acquire good eats, novelty gifts and MORE!
Be A Part of the Black History Month
Celebration and Get Your FREE Ticket online: https://www.rocanatural.com/upcoming-events
*Must bring printed receipt for a chance to win a Roc-A-Natural Gift set*
Community Supporter: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-2019-community-supporters
Vendor: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-black-history-vendors
Volunteer: https://www.rocanatural.com/copy-of-volunteer
"Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to become, And what I can do, And use it for a purpose greater than myself" Said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
#rocanatural @rocanatural #vdazzle55 @vdazzle55 #africanartsandcrafts
#waterbottles #coffeemugs #support #2020blackhistory #blackhistorycelebration #unsungcommunityservants #communityservice #leaders #lovestatenisland #ilovestatenisland #visitstatenisland #jccbeaconprogramat49 #communityaffairs #jmtmedia #jmtmedianyc #sichamber #downtownsinyc @downtownsinyc #siarts #mugshotsfigment @mugshotsfigment #ministerperkins #elijahscottpyle #sinaacpyouthcouncil @sinaacpyouthcouncil @jccbeaconprogramat49 #volunteers